I have a difficult time understanding how anyone could rate this system anything but 4 or 5 stars. Seriously, if they did they must have gotten a lemon. I received this system a couple of weeks ago and waited to set it up till we moved into our new home which we did this morning. My entertainment center was delivered and assembled today so I got it all put together a few hours ago. I have a Mitsubishi WD-60C8 60" DLP. The setup was a piece of cake. The rear speakers come packaged with a ton of speaker wire so you can get them where you need to. I hired an electrician who ran the speaker wire back for me under the carpet and behind the floor boards. I have this system connected to my television, blu-ray player, and Comcast HD DVR all via HDMI. IT is a VERY nice feature that you run all the HDMI cables from your devices (i.e. blu-ray player, dvr, xbox, etc..) to the amplifier/receiver, and then run one HDMI cable from the amp to your tv. The remote has buttons on it that say, "TV, BD, DVD, SAT" and all you do is push one of those buttons and it switches for you. Thus you don't have to constantly hit the tv/video button on your tv remote until you get to the right setting. The receiver/amp does it all for you. It works very nicely. I put in a blu-ray disc of the movie 'UP', sat back, and was just astounded at the sound quality. Honestly, it is excellent. Like previous reviewers, I am no audiophile, (although I do own a headphone amp and some nice Sennheisers) but this system sounds great. I mounted the three front speakers on the top of my entertainment center and used a little double sided tape to secure them. They aren't light, but need a little help staying put. For the money, this thing is a seriously good price. The speakers are so cool and such a great conversation piece. At the moment, I am listening to music through my cable subscription. It sounds fantastic. The sub-woofer does a very nice job. I am very satisfied with this product.Get more detail about Sony HT-IS100 BRAVIA Theater Micro-System (Set of Six, Black).
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