I purchased my 13.3 inch MacBook Pro on January 25, 2010. As of today the following components have failed 1) logic board (motherboard), 2) hard drive, and 3) wireless card.
Now, you may wonder why I would give the product even a two star rating.
The answer is service.
In this regard, as the owner of several Apple products (one G4 Powerbook, one MacBook, two iPodTouches with a couple of 1G & 2G iPods thrown in the mix) I think it important for prospective purchasers to understand what they are getting when they purchase an Apple product. Stated in slightly different terms; what is it that justifies paying the Apple "premium"?
First, great design.
Second, a very gook operating system.
Third, excellent product support widely available on a walk-in basis. (I can't imagine what it would have been like to deal with these issues via tech support in another country and a repair depot in another state.)
Notice that reliability is not on my list. It would be nice if it were but I think the reality is that this particular notebook is neither more, nor less, reliable than the other top-tier notebook manufacturers.
Would I buy another?
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